Pocket gophers are rodents and herbivores, they eat plant and grass roots (gophers are the animal which pulls you garden plants underground and eats them). Pocket gophers will travel above ground short distances, so there is usually only one or two in an isolated area. For pocket gophers we trap them, it is the most effective way to get rid of them. We will charge a set up fee and a per gopher trapped fee. Larger, more problematic properties will be priced per site. Call or email today for an approximate price. If you would like us to come out to your property there is a $45 charge for a consultation and yard inspection to cover my time and visit to your property. If you purchase our service there is no charge we would set up the traps that day and get started. Call or email me with any other questions, we can usually get started within a couple of days
Here is some info for vole control and a link for when I was interviewed by the local news for voles. Thanks.

For Voles we use a combination of trapping and poison bait stations. We will set up the traps and bait stations and check the traps at least once a week or more for the first couple weeks, this quickly reduces the population. The bait stations are more of a long term control for any Voles moving through the area. We will leave the bait stations on the property for a month and recheck them. If all of the poison is eaten at the end of the month it means there are still critters out there and they should be refilled with poison for another month. Each property is priced per site, it all depends on the size of the property, amount of vole activity and how many bait stations are needed. We also offer service throughout the winter as preventative maintenance, since voles are active throughout the winter and venture into other areas of the lawn under the cover of snow, invisible to natural predators. Call or email today for an approximate price. If you would like us to come out to your property there is a $45 charge for a consultation and yard inspection to cover our time and visit to your property. If you purchase our service there is no charge we would set up the traps that day and get started.
We trap the moles; it is the only way to get rid of them. And we trap for 5 weeks because after we trap the moles on the property any other moles in the area will move into the open tunnel system. Moles always take the path of least resistance and will always follow an open tunnel system before they expend energy digging a new tunnel.
We check our traps at least once a week or more, and there are no set up fees or per animal fees. Our trapping program includes an unlimited number of moles trapped. Moles are insectivores not rodents and they eat their body weight every day, mostly earthworms since that is the most abundant food source.
Normal density is 2 -3 moles per acre (there are the extremes), it may only be one mole on your property. Moles are the most difficult animal to trap since nobody knows where they are underground and how many there are, but our vast experience knows. Moles are solitary animals which fight over their tunnel system because that is how they survive.
Moles have a very fast metabolism and if they do not eat constantly they will die. The pricing depends on the size of the property and the amount of mole activity. Each property is priced per site. The one month of trapping works great for most properties, it all depends on how many moles are in your area.
If any additional months of trapping are needed after the first month, the fee is reduced since we will have the moles cleared off of the property and trap them at the perimeter before they come onto the property and do more damage.
Call or email today for an approximate price. If you would like us to come out to your property there is a $45 charge for a consultation and yard inspection to cover my time and visit to your property. If you purchase our service there is no charge we would set up the traps that day and get started.